Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Day Leo Said I Hate You!

Robie H. Harris has written a book that kids just resonate with - The Day Leo Said I Hate You! is truly a book that kids love. I took it to a classroom to share and they begged me to leave my copy with them - and the teacher shared that it was THE BOOK that was asked for day after day. I think kids live this often - we all say things we wish we hadn't said - and we know we can't take them back. So what do we do then to make things alright?? That is the topic that Harris explores on a child's level - and I am telling you - they get it! Molly Bang is the illustrator that superbly gives you the feel of anger that Leo expresses in this book - as well as his repentant heart that comes through in the end. This books is available in paperback this November!!

*I was provided a copy for review by the publisher.

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