Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chinese Culture in Children's Books

I was sent two books to review that I was not familiar with at all - but having two daughters born in China, struck a chord with me.  They are created by the China Institute in America to introduce children to Chinese culture at an early age and are in the We All Live in the Forbidden City book series.

What Was It Like, Mr. Emperor? is a fun book that allows kids to see the life of an emperor and learn about life in the palace.  Some fun facts about certain emperors are even included to make it more personal and take an active look at history.  The book is fun for kids to read and the illustrations keep it engaging.

Bowls of Happiness is a book that, in such a fun way, explores the tradition and uses of porcelain art found in the Palace Museum's collectibles.  Readers can see first-hand how the bowls are made and can see the culture and value of Bowls of Happiness in the Chinese tradition.  The illustrations in this one are whimsical and fun.

Both are wonderful to add to a collection of books on history or Chinese culture and are ones my girls are thoroughly enjoying!

*I was sent copies of the books by the publisher for an honest review on my blog.

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