Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Arbordale Publishing

Arbordale (previously Sylvan Dell) Publishing always has such great offerings for science and math.  Their books often have full color photography or appealing illustrations, text that is do-able for our elementary kids and yet give them facts and ideas to ponder long after they've finished reading.

Here are the titles I just received:
Amphibians and Reptiles:  A Compare and Contrast Book by Katharine Hall - this should have been written LONG ago.  As a teacher, I always wanted a good book to contrast amphibians and reptiles - this one is perfect!

The Hungriest Mouth in the Sea by Peter Walters - this is a great introduction to the food chain.  I love the illustrations on this one! 

The Lucky Litter:  Wolf Pups Rescued from Wildfire by Jennifer Kats Curtis.  I think kids who enjoy animal books will LOVE this one.  It is the tender story of wolf pups rescued from a wildfire in Alaska and how they are sent to the zoo and how they acclimate there.  Now these pups live at the Minnesota Zoo - which is even more fun to know!  (and maybe go visit!)

Sounds of the Savanna by Terry Catasus Jennings.  This title not only explores the savanna habitat, but it also ties in the importance of animal communication and the sounds with their meanings.  I enjoyed this one!

The Sparrow and the Trees by Sharon Chriscoe.  Here is a bird migration story BUT more so, an interesting story on trees - why some lose their leaves and others do not.  I think our nature-loving kids will thoroughly enjoy this!

They Just Know - Animal Instincts by Robin Yardi.  This one is a delightful tale that we can share with even our youngest.  The text is fun and the illustrations are whimsical for the younger set.  It brings the topic of instincts down to an easy-to-read and understand-level. 

Tortoise and Hare's Amazing Race by Marianne Berkes.  So this is genius!  A retelling of a wonderful classic - but tying in math - and fractions.  How often do we find a picture book that teaches fraction skills!?!?!  I love this one!

So don't miss these latest Arbordale offerings - they are wonderful to support STEM curriculum as well!

*I was sent copies for review by the publisher.

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