Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is My Kid Stupid??

Nzingha West's book, Is My Kid Stupid?? Avoiding an Educational Disaster was a timely read for me. We are trudging through IEP's and wondering what our rights are as parents of a child with different educational needs. I appreciated West's information from the educational and legal end of advocating for our kids. She has a lot of experience - you can tell that from her book - and she fills you with many things to think about and options that you might consider navigating through the special ed/IEP/504 Plans arenas. I appreciate her honesty and frankness - she tells it like it is and lets you know when you may be in over your head!

It is an easy read - short and to the point. I found it valuable and the resources listed in the back are also a great place to start on this special ed highway!

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