Having just finished
The Shack by William P. Young, I am left with LOTS of questions. Has anyone else read this?? It is incredibly popular right now - we can hardly keep it in at our library - and with a review from Eugene Peterson like this, "This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan's
Pilgrim's Progress did for his. It's that good!" I just had to read it. So, I read it - I am finished I just have a million questions!
It really is a fascinating story - that is supposedly told to the author by Mack - the main character in the story. Mack looses his daughter at a campground - she is abducted and murdered. Mack is, obviously, horrified, and blames himself and is very angry with God. So he gets an invitation - an invitation written from "Papa" to come and meet at the very shack near where his daughter was killed. Mack goes - he, questioningly goes to the shack and has a weekend encounter with physical manifestations of the trinity. It shakes up everything that I have been taught in some ways - in others, it brings to life - and explains many of the questions I have had for years. All I can say is - Would someone please read this and chat with me!?!?!? :)
There is even a website dedicated to the whole idea of this book -